Glossary of Buoy Terms
- Big Buoy – One team's slugs in each Buoy (N, S, E, and W) at the end of a round (Instant Win!)
- Bones ⨂ – When Buoy is in the "X" position
- Broadside – Four Dinghies in one round
- Close Quarters – When two (or more) slugs are in the same Buoy quarter (N, S, E, or W)
- Crosshole – Buoy® = the brand. Crosshole = the sport.
- Dead Ahead – When Coast Guard is in the exact middle position, directly behind Dinghy
- Direct Hit / Moby Dick – A Dinghy that doesn't touch the Plank or Buoy
- Port – When Coast Guard is in the far left position
- Quay (pronounced Key) – Where players or teams secure their spot in the order of pending games, found typically on a wall next to a Buoy or on the Buoy itself
- Slug – A ball used to play Buoy
- Starboard – When Coast Guard is in the far right position
- Swiss ⨁ – When Buoy is in the "cross" position